
The Zelda Working Title Podcast is an audio podcast about video games and the gaming industry.
All three of the home consoles are discussed, as well as PC, mobile and handheld games.
The podcast is created by members of the message board at http://ztpsocialboard.proboards.com

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ZWT Podcast Episode 72

Holy crap, listeners, there was a LOT of news from TGS. Let's talk about it!

Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, Josh, Kyle, and Matt.

Episode 72

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

ZWT Podcast Episode 71

Episode 71 is all about playing games in their original format versus playing remakes/ports/ROMs. At least, that's what we were going to talk about. We had to make up for last episode being so serious sometime. That sometime is now. Episode 71 turns into a giant welcome back episode for our long-lost friend and co-host, Laura -- a welcome back that could only be provided by the cast of ZWT Podcast. If you can't guess by that what the majority of this episode consists of, you, sir and/or madam, need to become a more avid fan!

Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, Angel, Josh, Kyle, Laura, and Matt.

Episode 71

Friday, September 9, 2011

ZWT Podcast Episode 70

Okay, listeners, enough dilly-dallying. This week is serious business -- we talk about game stories. What do we like or dislike in our stories? What's wrong with today's game's stories? How important are the influences of other media (film, novels, etc.) in game stories? How much should interaction matter in game stories?

Yeah. Serious stuff.

Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, Josh, Kyle, and Matt.

Episode 70

Friday, September 2, 2011

ZWT Podcast Episode 69

Prepare yourselves, listeners. This is the sexiest episode ever. Consider yourselves warned! Oh, and Matt and Nick recount their adventures at PAX 2011... sexily...

Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, Angel, and Matt.

Episode 69